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Friday, October 13, 2006

Return to innocence

Why can the world not go back to the good old days where humanoids were not civilised? Why the fuck do women have to get embarrassed about their menstrual cycles? G sincerely believes that things were simpler during the caveman days and most of the conflicts rose after the foundation had been set for the so called civilisation. Civilisation brought about rules of conduct that made man a 'social' animal. 'Social animals my ass!' says G. When the first human walked this planet he was expected to behave like all the other creatures. His sole purpose in his life was survival. Reproduction was his duty. But man has forgotten all that. The whole process of formation of society has made man; that what was supposed to be one of God's most beautiful creations; a slave to rules of social conduct set up by society.

G believes that the problem actually began when Prometheus stole fire from the heavens and gifted it to mankind. Knowledge is a weapon, one that the humanoids have been shamelessly using for their own destruction since forever. Prometheus meant good of course but it was a hasty step, terribly miscalculated. No wonder he faced the wrath of the Gods.

Talkin about God, the book Shantaram has a very thought provoking discussion about God between the protagonist 'Lin'(Author Gregory David Roberts) and another character, Khaderbhai. If Khaderbai is indeed a depiction of a real life entity, like Gregory David Roberts writes in his book, G is willing to give anything to meet him. Balls! G doesn't give a damn. Intellectuals bore G. All they do is talk and talk some more, as they yap away to glory in an attempt to discover the meaning of life. G has but one suggestion for them, try discovering the joy of living first. Before you pack your bags and hit the road on your great quest for meaning of life, try and discover what it means to live. And stop making those rules of social conduct for heaven's sake. You are murdering your race.

For his part, G is happy being a caveman, where not many things embarrass him. Yeah, G aint immune to the social bug. There are some things that embarrass him too. But deep in his heart, G knows that one day he would rid himself of this infest. And G is sure that somewhere, there lives a man, many men all over the world, who do not get embarrased at all. And somewhen, G would be one of their kind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said, and how true.